Sunday, June 11, 2006

Italian hoodlums greet banned beachgoers

This weekend was our first weekend…and we had nothing planned. So a group of us decided we would go to the beach. Well, in order to go to the beach yours truly had to step foot on a train.

Now for you who do not know, I have a little issue with trains…I don’t like them. It all started years ago when my elementary school had a train safety day (I am assuming because the school was near a train). Anyway, the thing that stuck with me was that they said when a train hits a car it is like a car hitting a soda can (I think they had a lovely visual to go with that). So, when I was young and my dad used to get really close to the tracks or he would stop on the tracks…I could just see a Coca Cola can, aka our car, getting smashed to smithereens.

Once aboard, I found out that it is hard to envision yourself under the train, or getting vaporized by it, as a passenger. It actually became quite pleasant. There was so much to see whizzing past me. My roomies got a picture to document how serene I looked.

We arrived at Viareggo. This is a place where most of the rich and famous come to stay.It was beeeautiful…that is until we got kicked off.Yes folks…kicked off. Here in Italy you have to show them the money otherwise you get no sunny. So, we put our foot down and left to wander the streets. After some deliberation we decided to go to another resort and see how much it cost. Seeing as it was almost 4 p.m. we only had to pay 5 euro. So we lounged on chairs and had umbrellas…it was nice. There was even shopping and it came right to me. I could buy a fake-wait a “real Italian fake”, whatever that means-Gucci, Louie, or Prada. I could get a massage for 15 euro, and in case I missed this amazing purchase on every street corner I could buy cheap jewelry. Needless to say, I saved some money and bought an ice cream for 1.60.

We stayed at the beach until 7 or so…and the sun still had not set. We got our stuff together and began our trek home. After browsing through some street vendors we found ourselves at the train station, bought our ticket, and climbed our tired bodies on board. We had to sit through several stops in order to get home…one in particular was eventful.

Let me get you all situated. We were all sitting minding our own business, waiting for the train to start moving again. I glanced outside to see if people were still getting on and my eyes fell on some boys…our glances met and so I looked the other way. Next thing I know we are moving and something flies in the opposite train window hits Jessica and falls under our seats…these little hoodlums had thrown a water balloon at us. That’s a nice how do you do. The funny thing is that it never popped. But that is another subject. The one I want to address is this: Seriously, who fills up water balloons and gets their buddies together to make a trip down to the train station? Ya, I thought so. Keep your balloons boys…they don’t work anyway.


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