Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mr. Darcy meets Dr. Karr

So, I have been dealing with a sinus infection, but I have not let it get me down. I still attended the day trip to Siena and to San Gimignano…I was just a bit tired and slow. It was the day after, though, that I felt like a train wreck. My roommates made so much fun of me all weekend because I kept sniffing this bag…they called it my heroin. It’s a bag filled with peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemon aroma beads. It is the kind of good feeling that instantly cools and numbs all your insides (if I didn’t know better, it sounds like I am talking about drugs). My left nostril became so stuffed at one point, that I was plugging my right one and trying to suck as much air with this bag attached to my left one. It was a sight.

Anyway, I got to school on Tuesday and was falling asleep and felt horrible. My professor was giving us all a hard time about staying up too late, when her eyes fall on me sucking up my herbs into my left nostril. “Are you sick?” she asked me. I nodded. She immediately told me I was GOING to the doctor and proceeded to use me as an example to the entire class of not waiting this long to go to the doctor. I was still sniffing my bag as my classmates were looking at the sickie. So off I went to follow her into the school office to make an appointment. I decided to go during the walk-in time.

3:00 p.m. rolled around and Jessica got me out of bed and walked with me to Dr. Karr’s. We passed the faux David and found the office just fine. I filled out a form and waited. Then out of nowhere, this head popped around the corner and a VERY British voice said, “Who is next?” I peeled my body off my chair and followed him to his office. Once inside he showed me to a nice leather chair and I plopped down. He began to speak, and as he was talking I sat up a little taller and felt like I should have worn a dress and done my hair. This guy was proper! “When did your symptoms first appear?” he asked. I felt like I should have said something like “I was plagued with the symptoms three nights before last.” But instead I sniffed and replied, “Umm...Friday”. The phone rang and he politely told me he had to take the call…I smiled. After he hung up, we talked more about my symptoms and he asked me to take a seat on the medical bed in the back of the room. He checked my temperature. “You have a slight fever; Do you happen to have Tylenol?’ he asked. “Yes”, I said in my most proper voice. Once we were done with the check-up, we moved back to the front of the room at his desk. He sat there for a minute and ran his hands through his long hair…that fell right back into place and twinkled in the light. He asked me about my past with antibiotics and gave me prescription of amoxicillin. He told me to take the first one with gelato…my kind of doctor! It was a very nice visit to the doctor. I wish I could take him home in my purse…like in those Sav-on commercials. Instead of a woman it would be a blond British man with twinkling hair.


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