Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Bright Light in a Big City

John came into town late Wednesday night. It was so good to see his face. We wasted no time making plans to leave Florence as soon as he got there.
We went to find him a hostel, but because they were having a fashion convention everything was booked. So we did as anyone would do…ran to the train station and went to Milan. Now, please don’t start me on Milan…if you never went there your entire life it would be ok…just take a trip down to Los Angeles on a random week night, throw in the world headquarters for Versace and Gucci, and there is Milan.
Once we got there it was a little after midnight and we were soooo hungry we went to look for food. This place looked like a ghost town, minus all the drunks and bums. We were greeted with metal shutters and closed signs…that is until we saw this bright yellow light. We ran to it light moths to a flame…as soon as we got there we stood in front of this wonderful place, as I said to John, “I have never been more excited to see a McDonalds in my entire life!” John and I were so excited we skipped all the way home signing, “Wanta fanta, don’t you wanta wanta fanta”…

After our feast on chicken nuggets, French fries, apples pieces, fruit parfait, and hamburger we let our little tummies rest and went to sleep.
The next morning we got our train tickets to Chambery (which we will talk about when the time comes) and we had a few hours so we thought since we are in Milan we might as well see a little of it. Even though it was extremly hot we thought we would give it a chance. We saw a pretty park, some designer headquarters, and we both agreed that the prettiest building was the train station. We did find our favorite spot…it was a bit different, maybe some might call it strange, but we found it to be just right. It was this large metal grate that blessed anyone who stepped upon it to a wonderful shower of cold air.
So we took our dehydrated (me) and tired (both of us) bodies back to the train station to leave for France….


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