Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Long Kiss Goodbye

I woke up at 4:30 a.m., got my stuff together and walked into the kitchen to find Hans and Helga waiting to say goodbye. They handed me a bag with some rolls and spread and a large diet coke for my journey.
We said our goodbyes and I hugged Hans. He wrapped his arms around me and started to rock side to side, it was a very sweet moment. Helga gave me a hug, and I was off to catch my train.
We got to the train station and as the train approached Timo said goodbye. The train halted in front of me and the door opened, John hopped in to put my luggage away. He said goodbye and turned to walk out. I glanced out the window to see Timo waving his arms, signaling for John to get out. Just as John reached the door, they slammed shut and the train shuttered and began to roll away. John was stuck on the train.

He came and sat with me, we laughed for a few minutes and he tried to get a hold of Timo. Timo had left his phone at home, se we figured John would just get off at the next stop and figure things out from there. We said goodbye before the next stop and he made it safely off the train.
I was on the train for another 45 minutes. I arrived in Stuttgart and immediately got on my 2nd train. 2 1/2 hours later I arrived at my destination, to meet with a shuttle bus for another hour ride to the airport. I had finally made it to the airport, after 6 hours of traveling, got my boarding pass, and sat the time away. I only had a 2-hour flight and a 90-minute shuttle to the city center of Florence left…. I was almost home. My flight went well, and the shuttle felt like eternity…. but I finally found myself pulling my luggage through the streets of Florence heading back to my apartment. I was “home”.


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